Heart Touching Love Stories: Heart Melting Love Story

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Heart Melting Love Story

Once there was a boy was dating with his classmate girl. The girl always hurts him for every time. One day, she broke up with him and told him, "I don't ever want to see you again in my life."

A few months later, the girl had a heart operation. She needs to change of her heart else she should die within some days. She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him, "Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again."

But the boy just laughed and said to her, "Only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much."

The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, "...and I am one of those fools."


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