Heart Touching Love Stories: Very cute short romantic love story

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Very cute short romantic love story

Once there was a boy fall in love with a cute girl. She was in class 9. Once the girl went to a park. That day she was so sad. While walking on the way she found some soft toys. Toys were so cute. She wanted to buy one toy for his little sister. She found a beautiful colored teddy bear. It was too big for her. She wanted to buy it. Because she was fond of teddy. 

She went to the shopkeeper and asked what is the cost. She found it in affordable price. She replaced the teddy what she used for hug at night. She gave the other teddy to her sister. His boy friend came to the park in the next morning to the park. He went to his fathers shop and came to know that his girl was taken that teddy. He kept that one to gift her but she took it herself. Next evening he say his girlfriend. She was so happy that day. She asked the boy when you are going to brought a gift for her. Boy told don't worry I will give you after lockdown is over. Girl said its ok. I am waiting for it. 

Boy asked did you replaced your teddy with the red one? Girl, how did you know that? Boy, (lie) I had a dream that you purchased a big teddy and used it while sleeping. Girl, Oh yes. I found a giant teddy last couple of days ago. Boy, do you hug your teddy bear while sleeping at night? Girl, yes I do always. Why? Boy, can I replace it for the rest of your life. Hope you will do it for ever. Girl, you are my original teddy bear. Don't worry I will replace it. Love you so much. Boy, love you too.


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